Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Guide to Amazon Interviews

  • 2

    Understanding the Culture

    • Introduction to Amazon's Culture

    • S.M.A.R.T. Goals Explained

    • Optional: S.M.A.R.T. Goals: Writing Guide

  • 3

    The S.T.A.R. Framework (and it's derivatives)

    • My Preference: Focus on the Introclusion

    • Soo Many Frameworks

    • Pre-Read: McKinsey SCR Framework

    • The S.T.A.R. Framework

    • P.A.R. : Situation + Task = Problems

    • C.A.R.L. : Don't forget Learnings

  • 4

    Tell Me About Yourself

    • First Impressions Matter

    • Brand Building: Exercises to Help

  • 5

    The Leadership Principles

    • Adherence to Leadership Principles is Real

    • Reference: The Leadership Principles

  • 6

    The Written Question

    • Two Options

    • Getting Writing Help

  • 7

    General PM Behavioral Interviews

    • General PM Behavioral Questions

  • 8

    Thinking Like An Interviewer

    • Treat your interviewer like a product user: Practice Empathy